dinsdag 29 april 2008


While I lay sick in bed (or was on the toilet), Spring has started. Now when I go out and leave the main road, I step into the village this town actually is to find everything buzzing with life. In this small park we have recently discovered, I breath in the humid, fresh air. The soil has been covered in green, the trees have started flowering, reptiles can be seen even more than before and butterflies and birds flutter around between the plastic waste.
“They have started farming”, Christoph reports us from the outer world. That means we will have a great opportunity to see the farming happening at last. On the other hand, it will make it increasingly difficult to find research subjects. No time to waste and linger around anymore. It is as if after a long sleep the earth and time itself have woken up by the beat off the rain.
The magic of the rain. No wonder that people are adoring and worshiping the rain in all ancient religions. It seems way more logical to me than praying to a man once nailed on a cross.

And me? I will start again “small-small” as the people say here…. Little-by-little trying to come to grips with the world around me by observing, listening and … enjoying it!

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