zondag 13 april 2008

Back? (From my diary: Accra, 30-03-2008)

The houses, the colourful clothes, the dirt, the warmth….

The noise, the traffic, the trees, the laughs, the attention…

The discussions over prices, the beginner’s mistakes, the menu that is always shorter than on the card…

I am back!! Back home to…. Mexico, to Guatemala…!

That’s what I first thought and felt when I arrived in Accra and I felt happiness, excitement… The most beautiful thing of being in such a challenging environment:to feel more than ever that you are alive. Finally living completely in the moment, being HERE and NOW without years of disciplined meditation, because otherwise…. you’ll get crushed by a car/ loose your money / catch a nasty disease / miss a beautiful scene / miss that bit of information that could be crucial for your research.

Of course Ghana is no Mexico or Guatemala. It does definitely resembles more to the latter than to the former. And up till now in my simplistic view, it is most of the times enough to just put ‘more’ in front of the following adjectives, so it becomes: dirtier, hotter, even more people crammed into the mini-busses, more power short cuts, more hassle…. Oh yes, and some ‘less’: less water in your shower, less paved roads…

It impressed me: seeing the first African capital from the air. We landed in Lagos, Nigeria. It was so weird to see a country capital where only a few central roads are paved and all the others are red, dusty, dirt-roads. It finally dawned to me….

From the white, snowy Alps. Crossing a sea of water and then a huge sea of sand. I had arrived…. This is Africa. !Que emoción!

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