zaterdag 5 juli 2008


Just back in Ouaga after a trip to the Sa-hell. What's in a name, I'd say...
I am tired to death, lost a few kilos and if I did not feel hungry I was sick. Imagine that that is their life; every day in and out; every year...
¨This is Africa, this is the Sahel¨ is the response to every flat tire, another hour waiting or a child with an obviously nasty infection. But it is said with a smile and accompanied by the never ending calls from the children. ¨Les blanches, donne-moi bonbon/argent/medicin (the whites, give me sweets; money etc)¨. Our Dutch politically correct mothers would snap us for it, but here things are still named the way they are. So we just shouted back "Hi le noir/black, ca va" or "Black, leave me alone."
We saw the mysterious Touareg on their camels, the men covering their face. The Peul and other nomads; the women who carry their wealth in old silver French francs on their hair. It was a dream even though sometimes a bit nightmare like. In a strange way we thoroughly enjoined it.

And is not beauty in the beholder's eye; poverty only real when one has no richness of heart?
When Youssouf walks me home at night and I struggle not to fall over a goat, sleeping people or the open sewage, he sighs: "Is not my home a beautiful place, Cousine (nichtje). It is nice and quiet and we can still see the stars. And everyone knows me. For not all the money in the world I would want to live in Europe."

2 opmerkingen:

michel zei

lieve Jenneke

klinkt heel cool allemaal, cool is mogelijk het woord niet, lezend voel je de hitte. Ik ben heel benieuwd naar je verhalen. tot gauw,


michel zei

heb je eigenlijk al wel genoeg op kamelen gezeten?
